Ethafoam - The leading polyethylene foam packaging material for over 50 years

Museums, Art Galleries, Electronic and Defence Specialists insist on Ethafoam for protecting their priceless items.

Packaging will experience drops, throws, mishandling, accelerations and vibrations of different frequencies such as; rail, ships, trucks, aircrafts, handling and transitional stages of the freight process.
Ethafoam is able to provide the ideal amount of cushioning for shock absorption more so than other foams. This is because the consistency and reliability of the foam. This standard of foam allows calculated surface areas and loads to be easily perfected using Stratocell's available shock data (cushion curves).
a corner cap made from ethafoam 220 used to cushion a recording device

What is Ethafoam?

What is Electrolysis and galvanic corrosion?

Galvanic Corrosion is the corrosion that occurs when two dissimilar metals are used together in a structure and exposed to an electrolyte (salt water, chemical, petrol) and the less noble of the 2 metals will corrode. For example; aluminum sheet with steel fasteners on a boat. Some pairings of metals are more at risk of galvanic corrosion. Check a galvanic series or chart.
Electrolysis is the acceleration of the galvanic corrosion when electricity is introduced to the metals in question. Connected by an external electrical source, the less noble metal experiences accelerated galvanic corrosion.
while both processes involve metals and electrolytes, their dependence on an external voltage source distinguishes them.
Foremost Ethafoam is a closed cell packaging foam, designed to be the ultimate packaging protection. The unique foam has been engineered and continually tested in packaging application centres across the world. The purpose is precisely shock absorption, cushioning, resistance to drops, transit vibrations or long term, safe archiving of fragile goods.
Ethafoam has the most comprehensive history of packaging excellence and testing, with the supporting data to back it up. The Stratocell Ethafoam range has an extensive range of cushion curves or transmitted shock data available for download.
The foam's strength is its load bearing, buckling-resistance, chemically inert and shape retention qualities. Even in temperature cycling environments and extended periods of storage.
There are more features, such as 100% recyclability, chemically inert, moisture and water absorption-proof, low abrasion, anti-static options, military compliant options and fire retardant options.
Ethafoam anti-static, a pink foam being used to package and protect an electronic board

What are the benefits of Stratocell Ethafoam?

Compared to other foams used in packaging such as EPS (expanded polystyrene) or XPE (extruded polystyrene), Ethafoam offers superior benefits such as:
Shock Absorbing: Ethafoam effectively absorbs impacts, making it ideal for any item that is to be packed and exposed to transport drops and vibrations, particularly sensitive items such as electronics and electronic devices. This is backed by 50 years of testing and recording shock data and vibrations in transit.

Moisture Resistant: Being a closed-cell structure, Ethafoam is water and moisture absorption proof, making it suitable for use in humid environments and safe for valuable artefacts in storage.

Durability: Ethafoam retains its cushioning and structural properties over time, even under repeated stress. Compressive creep is recorded as minimal even in cases of high load and long term storage.

Strength: Ethafoam perfectly balances both cushioning and shape retention, meaning items can be protected from shock but also the overall package integrity is much stronger, resistant to tear and resistant to buckling.

Cost-Effective: Ethafoams have a lot of shock data documentation, more so than any other packaging protection solution available. This means packaging designers can confidently adjust their designs within a safe zone for the best protection whilst considering smaller package sizing and less foam usage for economical success.

Chemically inert: Ethafoam is not chemically reactive with other materials and does not migrate contaminants packaged products. Other foams may not be chemically inert, meaning it is possible for precious artefacts or artworks alike to be stained or chemically damaged by other foams over time.

Versatile: Ethafoam can be easily cut, shaped, and customised for a wide range of applications, including protective packaging and insulation.
an illustration showing how cushion curves and load bearing surfaces are required when designing packaging with Ethafoam
^Image shows an example using Ethafoam's shock data (cushion curves) to produce a packaging design.
The required load bearing area for this delicate amplifier was 5 square inches per corner.

Where is Ethafoam Preferred Over Other Packaging Foams?

Ethafoam is preferred over other packaging foams such as PU, EPS and EPE due to its excellent shock absorption and durability. It is commonly used in applications needing:
Defence: Packaging of fragile, sensitive or heavy items such as electronics, military gear or industrial equipment.
Harsh Environments & Temperatures: Safeguarding sensitive equipment in impact-prone conditions, such as geographically harsh environments including deserts, alpine regions or oceanic locations.
Healthcare: Products requiring thermal insulation characteristics for protection such as health and medical products.
Archiving, Display, Art: Does not damage other surfaces or materials, critical when packaging artefacts or artwork.
a fragile, valuable ceramic piece protected and achieved safely, ready to be transported if required.

The Importance of Shock Data (Cushion Curves)

Ethafoam have easily accessible and very comprehensive shock data. This means packaging designers can confidently adjust their designs within a safe zone for the best protection whilst considering smaller package sizing for economical savings.
Please download shock transmission data (cushion curves) at the Ethafoam product page or at the bottom of this page.
*Packaging requirements are calculated based on fragility (type of item) and the weight of the item.
an example of stock data or cushion curves that are referenced when designing packaging with Ethafoam
PJ Bowers distributes and coverts a range of Stratocell Ethafoam products from Etha180 to military grade M1 FRAS providing broad versatility of possible packaging solutions with a combination of lightweight durability and cost-efficiency to the Defence, electronics and industrial sectors with densities, sheet sizes and features seen in the table below.



Standard Size

Sheet Thickness

Colours Available

Ethafoam 220
2740mm x 610mm,
1370mm x 610mm
1 - 110mm
Dark Grey or White
Ethafoam 220 Anti-Static
2740mm x 610mm,
1370mm x 610mm
1 - 55mm
Ethafoam 220 FR-AS
2740mm x 610mm,
1370mm x 610mm
Ethafoam M1 FRAS
2400 x 1200
Ethafoam 900
2740mm x 610mm


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