Noise can be annoying, make it whisper®

Stratocell® Whisper® foam is specifically made to absorb noise indoors and outdoors. Manufactured unlike any other foam, Stratocell® Whisper® is a closed cell foam with very large cells that are punctured with thousands of pin holes. Sound can no longer reverberate from or into the area the foam has been installed.

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Features & Benefits

Noise Absorption

Stratocell® Whisper® has a sound absorption rating of NRC 1.00 which is the highest possible rating for sound absorption under the ASTM C423 standardised test. Simply put, Stratocell® Whisper® absorbs 100% of sound in the standard testing environment.

Moisture Resistant, Water Proof, Washable

Stratocell® Whisper® foam is also water resistant. The large closed cell structure characteristics of the foam is sealed from water while also stopping sound reverberation.

Other noise or sound absorbing foams have an open cell structure, however this means moisture is both attracted, absorbed and held within the cell structure even in environments that are considered to be dry.

Resistant to Environmental Conditions

Independently tested to EN 14388, Stratocell® Whisper® exceeds 50 years outdoor life and is designed to handle water, moisture, humidity, dirt, dust, ultraviolet light, chlorine and harsh chemicals.


Stratocell® Whisper® is fibre-free, doesn’t crumble or emit irritating dust or corrosive gasses, is washable, has low dust adhesion and is resistant to common household cleaning chemicals.
a close up photo of Whisper acoustic foam

What is Whisper foam used for?

sound absorption icon

Sound Absorption

Sound absorption is often needed when source and receiver are in the same room, commonly referred to as acoustic foam.
Used for purity of sound and reducing reverberation, for high quality recording studios and comfortable public spaces, such as: restaurants, sporting facilities and theatres.
Transmission loss icon

Transmission Loss (Sound Proofing)

Transmission loss is measured in reduction of decibels when the receiver of the noise is outside of the room in which the noise is coming from.
Used in many projects for safety or noise complaints. Some application include: construction, transport, manufacturing, industrial and body corporate.
Whisper foam used for noise, sound proofing walls.

Transport, Rail & Roads

Stratocell® Whisper® is ideal for transit barriers, walls and tunnels to prevent sound from directly reaching sensitive areas. It's lightweight and easy to work reducing installation times.
When Stratocell® Whisper® foam is integrated into a construction design, it can further reduce reverberation and transmission of sound.
whisper used indoors at sports facilities to prevent sound and noise reverb

Sports Facilities

Vertical hanging baffles are most commonly used for sporting facilities and pools. By exposing both sides of Stratocell® Whisper®, its sound absorbing qualities improve.
Refer to the graphs in the product brochure link below to choose the void and pitch distances needed to achieve maximum performance with minimum material.
Whisper foam using in boxes and engine bays to reduce sound and noise.

Factories, Engines, Machinery

Stratocell® Whisper® is perfectly suited to deaden sound transmission escaping from generator or AC enclosures, machine rooms and engine bays with Stratocell® Whisper® FR (flame retardant) suitable in air temperature up to 90 degree Celsius.
Whisper used on ceilings of restaurants, cafes and public budlings to stop reverb of noise and sound

Commercial Spaces

Commercial spaces such as bars and restaurants often have limited ceiling height which can increase noise and detract from the guest experience. Stratocell® Whisper® foam ceiling rafts in a horizontal fashion are commonly used in these areas to reduce noise while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing environment.
The void distance (space between the ceiling and the noise absorbing foam) can achieve different results for different frequencies. Refer to the product brochure link below.

Hear the Difference

Sound Absorption Coefficients

Sound Absorption Coefficient (α) (Internal Sound Absorption): This measures how much sound is absorbed by a material compared to how much hits it at a specific frequency. It ranges from 0 (no absorption) to 1 (total absorption). A Sound Absorption Coefficient (α) of 1 represents 100% absorption.
Chart.js Example - Sound Absorption Coefficient

Reduction in Decibels (Transmission Loss)

R 1/3 Octave dB (Transmission Loss): Reduction of Decibels (dB) at specific frequencies. You can see the results of Whisper foam at different frequencies in the graph.
Chart.js Example - Rw

Technical Specifications for Whisper FR - Closed cell polyethylene foam




Test Method


Result (FR)

Result (UV)

Icon that represents density
Density (kg/m3)
ASTM D3575-08 Suffix W
ISO 845:2006
Icon that represents compression strength
Compression Strength
(Compression Deflection)
(Force required to compress 25% of a 25mm thick cylinder foam piece)
ASTM D3575-08 Suffix D
ISO 7214:2007
7 @ 25%
12 @ 50%
10 @ 25%
24 @ 50%
Icon that represents compression
Compression Set
(Percentage of the original thickness after being compressed 50% for 72 hours and then recovered for 24 hours)
ASTM D3575-08 Suffix B (50% Compression)
ISO 1856:2000
(25% compression)
Cell Size
BS 4443/1 Met.4
Icon that represents water absorption
Water Pick Up by Diffusion
(RH > 95% - after 28 days)
UNI EN 12088
< 3
< 3
Icon that represents water absorption
Water Pick Up by Diffusion
(RH > 95% - after 28 days)
UNI EN 12088
Volume %
< 5
< 5
thermal icon
Thermal Conductivity @23°C
ATSM D3575-08 Suffix V
ISO 8301
thermal icon
Thermal Stability
(24hrs at 70°C)
ATSM D3575-08 Suffix S
ISO 2796
< 3
< 3
Icon that represents tensile strength
Tensile Strength @ Peak
ATSM D3575-08 Suffix T
ISO 1798
Icon that represents tensile strength
Tensile Elongation
ATSM D3575-08 Suffix T
ISO 1798
VOC Emissions
thermal icon
Working Temperature
-60 +80
-60 +80
Airflow Resistance
UNI EN 29053:1994
Pa.S/m3 = Rayls/m2
510,000 (25mm) 2,785,000 (50mm)
510,000 (25mm) 2,785,000 (50mm)
Icon that represents sound absorption
Acoustic Absorption
(Sound Absorption)
EN ISO 354:2003
Acoustic Class:
25mm = D
50mm = A
Acoustic Class:
25mm = D
50mm = A
Icon that represents sound absorption
Airbourne Sound Insulation
(Sound Insulation)
EN ISO 10140-2
50mm Rw13
60mm Rw16
100mm Rw18
50mm Rw13
60mm Rw16
100mm Rw18

Standard Purchasing Options for Whisper FR - Closed cell polyethylene foam

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Grey, White, Black

Standard Thicknesses

25, 50mm

Sheet options


Standard Size

Special Properties

2400mm (length) x 1200mm (width)
Fire Retardant
2400mm (length) x 1200mm (width)

Dimensional Drawing

L = Length, W = Width, T = Thickness
A dimension drawing showing the standard sizing of the foam sheet


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